Rupert Matthews discusses his role as Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire Police – one which he describes as “fascinating” and a “real adventure!”
Originally from London, Mr Matthews moved to Leicestershire a few years back, and when he saw that they were looking for someone to stand for the Conservative party Police and Crime Commissioner, he decided to put his name forward for the job.
“I thought this could be a really interesting – a role where I could make a real contribution to society and really make a difference. So I thought ‘I’ll give it a go’,” he told Pukaar.

“It has been a real adventure so far. As Police Crime Commissioner, I’ve been coming in to the city much more to get to know people, and one of the most interesting parts of my job is just to talk to people and find out what they want from the police,” he revealed.
“I then take that message to the police, so that the Chief Constable and I can work out how to try and provide the service that people want.”
After speaking with Mr Matthews, it is clear that he is passionate and extremely enthusiastic about his role.
However, his first love is history – a subject he “fell in love with”, aged 12.
Prior to his election, Rupert worked in publishing, writing a wide variety of children’s and history books, including one on The Battle of Lincoln and food and drink in Leicestershire.
Although he has a keen interest in all areas of history, his favourite period is the Medieval one he says.
Asked about more of his favourite things, Mr Matthews named Italy – more specifically Rome – as his favourite travel destination, due to its delicious food, amazing art and rich history.
As for books, “that’s easy,” he says. ‘Three Men in a Boat’, by English writer Jerome K. Jerome is one which made a big impression on Rupert as a younger man, and one which he has gone on to read several times.
When asked about his favourite food however, Mr Matthews is less decisive in his answer, admitting that he is torn between two very different cuisines…
“I’m a split – A Sunday roast when I’m at home doing it myself, but if I’m eating out it’s got to be a curry,” he revealed.
“As an Englishman living in Leicestershire, I suppose it’s almost predictable!”
Mr Matthews is set to serve as Leicestershire Police’s Crime Commissioner until 2024, a role he took over from Lord Willy Bach in May 2021.
It’s a very varied role which covers a lot of ground, and I’m so enjoying it,” he said.
“My favourite part of the job is making time to just sit in a cafe – to talk to the owner and maybe to some of the customers as well about their expectations of the police and of law and order in a busy city like Leicester,” he went on to reveal.
“It’s so interesting – getting to know different types of people from all different sorts of communities and backgrounds has been absolutely fascinating, and a real privilege!”
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