Khalsa Toys is a Leicester-based business with a difference – one with a very unique and heroic selling point…
The company is responsible for producing the world’s first Sikh action figure collection – a string of characters complete with turbans and striking ceremonial weapons.

Picture: Khalsa Toys
Co founder Sukh Singh decided to embark on the project after noticing a stark lack of Sikh representation in the toy industry. In fact, it was the child of his business partner who pointed out the obvious and heartbreaking reality. There were no toys which looked like him and he asked ‘why not?’.
“It was a good question. It got us thinking ‘why hasn’t this been done before?’,” said Mr Singh.
“I thought back to my own childhood and how I’d have loved to have had something that represents us – strong heroic figures that we could feel proud of. We felt a sense of duty to get this out there- to get ourselves seen and normalised.”
Together with his business partner, Mr Singh saw a gap in the market – a business opportunity and the chance to make a difference in the lives of Sikh children across the world.

They set about designing characters and getting prototypes of the toys made. First came Baaj Singh – a spiritual warrior who’s dressed in blue and ready for battle. The figure displays the five articles of faith that ordained Sikh’s wear, including uncut hair covered by a turban, a steel bangle called a kara and a ceremonial dagger, called a kirpan.
The range was expanded with two extra characters called Tegh Kaur and Sher Singh, each available in two colours, for a total of six figurines.
“We just started sketching ideas, found out how to get them designed and one thing led to another. It kind of snowballed into the toys being brought to life as you see them today.“
“We didn’t have any prior experience in doing anything like this. We weren’t part of the toy industry or anything like that,” revealed Mr Singh.
“We both have different professions, but we thought if we put our positive minds together – God willing, we can learn along the way and get something done.”
The pair took a leap of faith in October 2021, which looks to be paying off.
The toys are in big demand, especially here in the UK, Canada, Australia and the USA where there is a large Sikh community.
However, the real payoff for Sukh and his partner, is the response from the community, and the children who benefit from their bold efforts.
“We get so many heartwarming messages and positive notes from people in the community. We hold various pop-up events and the response has been awesome,” he tells Pukaar.
“When we got the first prototype, we gave it to my business partner’s boy and his reaction was everything. His excitement at seeing himself represented in these toys, it just made him so happy.
Being able to instil pride, joy and confidence in our children – that’s the real payoff.”
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