Helen Cockle runs an affordable acupuncture clinic on Leicester’s Upper New Walk. Here she explains the benefits of this ‘magical science’ and why she’s on a mission to make it accessible for all…
When you speak with Helen Cockle, owner of Full Circle Health, it’s clear that she is a positive and passionate lady – someone brimming with vitality and a strong, vibrant energy…

She attributes a lot of this to an ancient procedure called acupuncture – a Chinese technique which originated thousands of years ago. It involves fine needles which are inserted in specific points of the body to help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and promote overall wellness.
Helen has over 25 years of experience as an acupuncturist, and is passionate about the benefits of the practice for mind, body and soul.
“I call it a ‘magical science’ – it has the power to heal and transform lives. I just wish more people knew about the benefits,” she tells Pukaar.
“My journey with acupuncture is a rather long and winding story! In my early twenties I used to suffer with very painful ankles. This could have been from all the sprint training I did in my youth as I was a gold medal holder for South- East London and trained a lot.
“I would imagine all these little dots on my ankles and tune into how pressing them would make the pain disappear…
“Years later I sought out acupuncture for hormonal anxiety, was treated by a famous acupuncturist – we actually fell in love and that’s how I began my training!
“I went on to train with the sister school of the University of Beijing which is in London.
“ I am now deeply committed to bringing this safe and effective treatment further into the mainstream.“
Helen opened her clinic last October, and offers ‘low cost’ multi-bed sessions on a Friday in order to help more people reap the benefits of acupuncture.

Personalised treatments are issued to help patients find relief from issues including osteoarthritis, menopause, sleep issues, back pain, migraine, anxiety and more.
“Over the years I have had many people walk through my door desperate for relief from their symptoms. People tend to arrive at the acupuncturist’s door when they are serious about getting well and haven’t had much joy elsewhere”, she explained.
“Recently I treated a woman who was having her third round of IVF. The other two had failed. She was both hopeful and very distressed. We diligently followed an acupuncture protocol (developed by a nurse, midwife and acupuncturist!)
“I was delighted to receive the call that my patient was pregnant!”
It’s not a surprise to learn that Helen finds her career incredibly rewarding. In her words her work is both a “calling and a deeply fulfilling commitment.”
In China, acupuncture is a fundamental part of their approach to treatment and health. She hopes for a day where it is an integrated part of a more evolved medical system here as well.
“People do not need to believe in acupuncture – like I say it is not a religion!” she said.
“There are some aspects of modern medicine in the west that need to work cohesively with the ancient teachings to get the best effect and outcomes for the patients.
“I do get many more doctor recommendations these days which is great because everybody deserves the opportunity to be healthy as they can be.
“As practitioners, patients and medics we all have the same destination in mind which is wellness, wholeness and, sometimes it takes a few different pathways to achieve this.”
Visit: www.fullcirclehealth.today/acupuncture for more information.