One of the few things that we as humans need to survive is water. Clean water, readily available from the tap, may seem extremely mundane to many of us, especially in the UK. But there are so many countries across the planet which have unsafe tap water. Of course, depending on the country, this water may be safe for locals who are used to drinking this water. However, visitors and migrants to those areas could be in for a nasty surprise when drinking a glass.
According to research by holiday company Globehunters, a whopping 187 countries are deemed as having unsafe to drink tap water.

Companies such as Waterworld USA have made it their goal to reduce the number of unsafe water sources across the planet by providing affordable, easy to use water purification systems, to residencies and places of work. Waterworld USA recently extended its operations to the UK. This new branch is headed by Asem Abo Shaban, son of Waterworld USA founder, Mr. Marwan Abo Shaban. Asem said: “I’ve been in Leicester since 2015. Prior to that, I was all over, working in different parts of the world. I’ve worked in Morocco, Egypt, the United States—ever since 1993 I’ve been involved in the water purification industry.
“I actually came to Leicester because of my son’s studies at University. Before that I had lived in London for a while. I was born in Kuwait but I am originally Palestinian. I gained my British citizenship in the early 90’s.
“I came up with the idea of Crystal Pure Water after my father suggested it would be a great idea to have a UK branch of the business. As I was here already, it made sense for me to start and head this branch. Ideally, my sons will be able to help look after the company after they finish with education.
“We have our main office in the USA and a couple of other branches in both Morocco and Cairo. We have started quite small in the UK similarly to how we started in North Africa. In Egypt, we had only one or two employees. Now, our Cairo branch has well over 130 people!”

Family is evidently a huge focus for Asem, working with his father and brothers over the years, and now planning to work with his sons once they’ve graduated. “I have 5 brothers in the US,” said Asem. “They are all involved in the water purification business. Some are in marketing, some in accounts, and other different fields. We all support each other and we say that, no matter what it takes, we are destined to make this business succeed.
“We are a very experienced group of companies under one owner. We have branches in different parts of the world but we have supplied to many, many more countries. What makes us stand out is that we have a vastly different experience compared to much smaller local companies. We of course have the utmost respect for these other businesses, but our vision is quite a grand one. Our goal is to provide the world with a credible and affordable source of clean water. We aim to become the world’s most resourceful water quality improvement organization by attaining the largest water information encyclopedia, too.”
Crystal Pure Water’s Leicester branch has only 4 products for now. However, their parent company stocks hundreds of different products and options, suitable for a wide range of different areas. They are currently testing the market in Leicester and have so far seen great success. They will be adding more and more products to get a sense of demand and popularity over time, with water softeners planned to be added to the list next. The plan is to then start to add other smaller parts and components for different systems and could be made available for other suppliers, as well as their own systems.