What is it like to have a business and a baby?
Sunflower Seedling owner Rosie Antunes tells us how she juggles her busy business schedule with her family in Leicester.
This question arises far too frequently when talking to people about my profession.

In the beginning it was very hard but it’s an incredible experience having your own business and family.
You need to be motivated, strict (to a certain extent), have discipline, plan (lots of planning) but most of all love the position you are in.
Yes it’s challenging (when you have bad days…they can be very bad days!), sometimes I wish I had more time to do work (without sounding selfish) but the time that I don’t work, I am helping my daughter grow, sculpting her soul and being into becoming the best person she can be.
Being a mother first and foremost is the most important aspect of my life, I’m learning new aspects about motherhood everyday and that’s a challenge in itself.
And when these challenges become overwhelming I try to take a step back and look at the situation differently, striping away all material values and focussing on the basics.
My working day is quite abnormal. I have to work when my partner is off work and on the weekends and evenings.
So, I will spend the full day with my daughter and as soon as she’s in bed, work until very late at night.
But honestly I don’t mind, this creative output and challenging business venture keep me on my toes, helps me to define the person I am and how I can use my time effectively.
I’m not only growing as a mother but developing the person I am, so I can try to be a good role model for my daughter.
The balance between family and work… this is an area which I struggled with in the beginning, however after time I feel like i’m starting to have more control of having a balanced lifestyle.
How it all began…
Sunflower Seedling began its journey when little Maya managed to sleep for 5 hours straight in the night. This time should have been used for me to sleep, but I found it hard to rest.
Motherhood and being a first time mother left me feeling more than overwhelmed. I experienced a multitude of emotions and started to feel alone and lost.
When Maya was around 4 months and started to sleep for a period at a time, I used this time to find comfort and solace in returning to my designs and art work.
Within a weeks I managed to design and make a blanket for Maya. As more people saw this they too wanted one for their children.
Business wasn’t really a plan in the beginning, it was to focus on mental well being. However, this changed as other wanted to become a part of the Sunflower Seedling world.
Sunflower Seedling takes you to a place that children only dream off.
Creating little magical worlds as small as ladybirds and as high as the balloons in the sky.
Children live in these places and some adults secretly wish to!

Not only is the world created by Sunflower Seedling a place to explore and play but the products are actually good for babies and children too!
The core purpose is to serve babies with the aid of visual stimulation which helps them to make those early vital brain connections.
Sensory stimulation is becoming more recognised, as we have so much access to information and research studies. Sunflower Seedling’s products deliver visual stimulation, but they also foster creativity, making language fun, developing ideas for healthy thriving and assist in ‘bonding’ between parent and child.
Inspired by Scandinavian and Japanese design, contemporary dance and music the pieces create a healthy environment for your baby and child to thrive.
The products are all handmade and all materials from start to finish are sourced in the UK.
We use local suppliers and manufacturers to support local businesses and are currently trying to support the next generation of the working community.
We currently stock blankets, which are our featured products (and recently received a Bizziebaby Gold Award for these).
The blankets are beautifully made and sent in a luxury gift box, wrapped in soft tissue paper and comes with two special letters.
The cushions are compact enough to take on the child’s many adventures, and will add that splash of design and colour to any nursery.
All the wall prints arrive mounted and framed (with the frames made in England), to add that touch of magic to your walls.